Provincial aging-at-home strategy fails many seniors
Provincial aging-at-home strategy fails many seniors; Much vaunted $1.1-billion plan has left thousands of Ontario seniors without adequate home care. A 90-year-old Scarborough woman with dementia is told she does not qualify for home care. A daughter in Stouffville , north of Toronto, begs to keep a few home care hours for her 86-year-old father who is paralyzed by a stroke. In Aurora, a woman who cares for her chronically ill husband, was refused home care after she broke her back. These are some of the faces of Ontario's Aging at Home strategy, a four-year program that began in 2008 with great promise. A Toronto Star investigation has found the $1.1-billion strategy is failing many seniors by not providing the care they need to continue living at home. Most of the money has been diverted to a provincial plan that provides home care for seniors discharged from hospital beds where the cost of a day's care is more than three times what it costs for a day's home c…
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